Research and Innovation |
HKUST Researchers Uncover Chemo-resistance Mechanism in Glioma Patients

An international research team co-led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Beijing Neurosurgical Institute,…

Teaching and Learning |
Jump-starting Your Research Career – The Stories of Two International Research Enrichment (IRE) Students

Achieving top scores of 5** in seven subjects in Hong Kong’s Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination, Katherine LAI Man-Wai…

Announcements |
Why choose School of Science at HKUST? – Message from Prof. Tim Leung to DSE students

Hi, DSE students, I am Prof. Tim Leung from HKUST. While you are waiting for the release of DSE results, I would like to let you know…

Announcements |
Why choose the Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program at HKUST?

The Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program is jointly offered by the School of Science and the School of Business and…

Announcements |
Why choose Biotechnology and Business (BIBU) Program at HKUST?

The Biotechnology and Business (BIBU) Program is jointly offered by the School of Science and the School of Business…

Research and Innovation |
Researchers Uncover Novel Molecular Mechanism Shedding light on Drug Design for Cancer treatment

Researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) discovered a novel molecular mechanism that controls the…

Research and Innovation |
An exclusive interview with CHEM Chair Prof. Benzhong TANG, who shared how “aggregation-induced emission” (AIE) can help infertile couples (Chinese version only)

To view the Chinese article of an exclusive interview with CHEM Chair Prof. Benzhong TANG, who shared how “aggregation-induced emission…

Research and Innovation |
HKUST Research Team Successfully Discovers New Material Generation Mechanism for Chip Design, Quantum Computing and Noise Reduction

The research team of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has recently made important progress in the field of new…

Announcements |
HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship Program

HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship Program Remains Open


At HKUST, we value every opportunity to enable talented students…

Announcements |
Global Webinar Series – HKUST x KAIST Joint Webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”

HKUST has co-organized a series of multidisciplinary webinars under the theme “Navigating a World of Disruption”, with our global…

Announcements |
Webinar Session on PG Studies in the School of Science on May 24, 2020 (conducted in Mandarin)

Date: 24 May 2020 


Time: 8:00pm



Research and Innovation |
HKUST Researchers Unlock Genomic Secrets of Scaly-foot Snail Laying Foundation for Potential Solutions Provided by Deep-Sea Creatures

Researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have decoded for the first time the genome of Scaly-foot…